So a little background information....when we got married Kris had 2 cats, Wicket and Chewie who had been with him since they were born literally on Kris's lap. Their mom, Gizmo had died a little over a year before we got married.
Then once we moved into the apartment Elijah found us. It was in late August 2009 and I came home one night and saw this adorable 4 mo old kitten sitting on the sidewalk leading up to the apartment. I figured he was a feral cat and would run as soon as a person got anywhere near him. In amazement I watched as two people walked down the sidewalk right by him and he didn't seem to care. I got out of my car and sat down on the pavement about 5-6 feet away just to see what he would do. He took one look at me, meowed and ran right over and curled up in my lap nuzzling my face. Obviously at that point he had found his forever home!
Fast forward to November of 2011 and Kris mentions that he has seen this grey cat hanging around the apartment building. I pretty much shurgged it off as I had never seen her myself. We came home from church on a Sunday morning and there she was! She was very vocal and so we decided to bring her out a little bowl of food and fresh water. After consuming what we gave her she disappeared for a few hours. Later that day I walked out and again she was very vocal and was rubbing up against me. That night the weather was predicted to get cold and I started to feel bad for her because she was so friendly. Needless to say she ended up spending the night in our bathroom. Over the next few days I took her to the vet to get her tested for Feline Leukiema (she was negative) and started on shots. We immediately decided we needed to work on getting her adopted out and we viewed ourselves as her foster family. Over the next few months I made posters and put them everywhere I could think of and posted her on a quite a few websites (ASPCA etc...) luckily we also paired up with an AMAZING cat rescue located in Annapolis, MD; Cats 'R Us. If you ever need to adopt a cat I would highly recommend talking to the amazing people at CRU :) They made some space for Clare (what we ended up naming her) at some of their adoption days at a local PetSmart. We had two almost adoptions but for reasons that had nothing to do with us or Clare they both fell apart. We continued with the adoption days until March when it became clear that Elijah had bonded and loved playing with his new sister. At that point we stopped denying the inevitable and decided that Clare had found her forever home after all!
This was taken on one of her first days inside with us! |
A few months later....I'd say she filled out beautifully |
Surveying her kingdom |
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